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Botanical  Scent  Collection

A family of scents that exude notes of tiny florals, green herbs, and tangy fruits.

If you love the romantic scents of Bulgarian roses, soft vanillas, and animalistic musks,

these will be your faves!

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Ladie's   Cabin 


 Field Flowers, Chopped Logs, 

Summer Herbs, & a Flowing River


The ladies of the cabin all wear cotton

dresses and collect wildflowers in pale purple

mason jars. They braid each other’s hair as

they sit on chunky logs covered with ladybugs

and soft moss. Their secret forest hide away

made from dovetailed cedar, is loved for the

fresh air, surrounding evergreens, honeysuckle, 

wild blue bells, and tall grass. The nearby lemon 

grove provides them with an endless supply 

of food, drink, and medicine. Here in this 

cabin, they have everything they need.